continued from previous post~~
another first time....
after much (and i mean MUCH) persuasion, me , udang and sher lynn went karaoke with the guys...which were the 4 brothers, jinn wen and jun hong...
this is the first time I went for karaoke with university mates and it's rather enjoyable!
karaoke=singing....but everyone who knows me before knows that I do not hold a mic and sing in a karaoke session....all I do is eat and drink and listen to the songs and sometimes sing along WITHOUT using the there's no point forcing me to hold one...
talking about singing...some of them can really sing!
needless to say sher lynn's singing is pro, no doubt about that...her powerful voice can blow people away...
but udang can sing really well too!! I've heard her sing casually in the room and it's already good...but using a mic makes her singing even better...impressed....
guys went bowling after that...girls went window shopping...
then we had KFC for dinner...i'm seriously sick of KFC now...the sight of fried chicken will make the hairs on my skin stand....haha...
nola...i think another reason that made me feel sick that day is lack of sleep...seriously lack of sleep since i spent the previous night doing nothing but talking...hehe...
after getting back from our outing...we went for yet another first time...
me,udang,ah foong,kar hui and others went to 1st college gym to play badminton...
mentally not functioning and battery all dried up, i played cautiously as i was afraid i would pengsan...
but to my surprise, the more i moved the clearer my mind became...weird...
wrapping up the day...the girls went mamaking but i couldn't bring myself to another session of socializing...had to recharge my battery for the next day...
friday night, the last night before some of us will be checking out the next day...
the 6 of us went to mid valley at night, wanting to watch madagascar...
but when we nearly sold out!! we had to crane our necks sitting on the 2nd row if we wanted to watch the movie so way!!
ok fine...plan no. 2...
went to check karaoke was SO expensive!! RM50 per pax...
since no one wanted to burn their pockets, we adjourned to ah ming's favourite hobby...makan!!
only drank some stuff in secret recipe...because we plan to go mamaking when we get back to college later...haha...irresistable tomyam calling our names..hehe...
okok...enough of food description...the main point is not food...
2am...we gathered in voon's room to play "chor dai di" + "truth or dare"...
just to add a little excitement to it, the loser has to answer any questions asked by the others...
ok off we go!! udang lost, susan lost...but basically there's nothing for us to ask them anymore...
i mean they do share their feelings and stuff with us on and off, so there's not much to ask...
both of them kept on targeting me and sher lynn to lose because to them we seem to hide many secrets...huh?!?
we played and played...i didn't want to lose...but no one can win all the time right?
at last i lost a game...and that game made me realize what others think about me...
彩霞说我是那种什么事都会收在心里的人。 我听了之后觉得也蛮有道理的啦。
time to change back to english...haha...or else susan will kill me...
sorry girl...chinese can describe what i want to say more accurately...hehe...
continue the story...played till 7am when everyone could no longer continue...
went up to bed and woke up barely 2 hours later to help udang carry stuff down...while i myself left college around noon........
the semester quickly...
in a blink of an eye 1 semester is over... 3 years of uni life is too short!!
i'll have to seriously enjoy my time in uni to the fullest for this 2 and a half years more...
POSUM more, talk more, play more, learn to share more, eat more, drink more, mamak more, chipsmore?!?! ...and many other mores!!
very very very long post...people will drop asleep while reading it...if anyone does read my blog...haha....
till next time...
4 months ago
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